Association PLQ

The Association PLQ is an organization incorporated according to the
laws of Guatemala. It is a civil, secular nonprofit, founded with the objective of
contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of the people of Guatemala,
particularly in the areas of education, health, and community organization, by
encouraging social and democratic participation and diversity in all its forms. As an
association, PLQ is the legal entity encompassing the Spanish school Proyecto
Lingüístico Quetzalteco and its various projects:

Escuela de la Montaña, or “The Mountain School”
The Luis Cardoza y Aragon Popular Cultural Center
The Otto René Castillo Institute, a secondary school
The Otto René Castillo Community Library

The income that the association brings in from tuition donations are used primarily to
cover the salaries and benefits of the contracted employees at Proyecto Lingüístico
Quetzalteco. These benefits include:

Benefits Received by PLQ Employees

Social Security

Livable wages

Vacation and time off

Christmas bonuses

Bono 14 (national July bonus)

Performance incentives
